Goddess of Wings

Goddess of Wings

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pose of the Week!

Once again we dive back into Pose of the Week!  (sorry, I couldn't resist...)

This pose is just after she dives into the water, with her body starting to straighten out as she moves forward. I'm ordering a male mannequin this week so that we'll be able to get some guy poses in here as well, to make things balanced. :)

Have a great Holiday Season everyone!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back from Anime Crossroads!

I return from two days at my first anime convention! It was fun!

Having decked out the table in ruby red ribbons and golden table cloth, my friend and I felt ready for festive fun and convention craziness. We debated on stringing up some Christmas lights around the table...for maybe half a second.The gold table cloth was certainly BRIGHT enough. Thank you buddy, for sticking through it and helping out this crazy artist! =)

These are some commissions I took there during the artist alley hours. Actually, all three of these are from the same nice lady, who liked my art very much. =)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sinfully Delicious

My first cheesecake! And yes, it's chocolate...

This was my big Thanksgiving contribution. And it is just as good as it looks. :D I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Right now I'm considering getting a Livestream account. I really enjoy watching artists draw and since I've been sharing art here, why not let everyone see me in action? Hmm...we shall have to see. ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

City of the Dark Knight

Gotham- my second mural! Which is strangely ironic, seeing that I joked about doing a Gotham mural only a week before this commission. This first picture is a sketch I did in pen and used photoshop to transpose the image onto the wall. So this is the design I'll be following.

And this is the work in progress. I'm excited to see what it'll feel like walking into the room once it's finished.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

T-Shirt Designs

Once again, it's been a little bit hectic but it's a good kind of hectic. I've been working on these Transformer shirt entries and now I'm just waiting for the voting to start! (Which is November 20th, if anyone wants to register on the site and rate the entries, which would be totally cool with me.) :)

And here is a link to the entries:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gotta Love Expressions

Hurray for meeting deadlines! That's what I was doing last week for my boss/writer, so I apologize for not posting. I know you all just can't go on without my weekly poses and art posts. ;P Nevertheless, I did think about you and decided to come up with something different for this week. I hope you will enjoy...

I'm returning to one of my strengths here, and I had a blast working on this. The character actually looks like a younger version of one of my comic characters...and I think I may use this design. But what helps me convey emotions accurately is to look in a mirror. Yes! Go and practice for inspiration and reference, that way you can get an idea of how the face shifts with each emotion. You may look like a goofball, but it is well worth the effort. And pointing fingers. 

Have a great Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Illustration Test

Ah, hatching. My long lost love. I could literally spend days just hatching out shadows and everything under the sun. This was an illustration test I had not long ago. I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Don't you wish you could just spring up in the air and effortlessly flip like this? This pose was inspired by the amazing athletics of the Olympics, particularly the gymnastics. It was only a fraction of a second but my eye caught this pose and I scribbled it down as a stick person. And now it comes to life!

As a side note, the largest pose I think should have her head tilted back more. Otherwise she must be either in zero gravity or she can somehow defy physics...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Burning in the Dark

When was the last time you lit a candle and enjoyed it's warm company during the dark hours of the night? Probably not very often, if you're like me. In my art class we had to narrate an event or idea over the course of so many panels and I thought the burning of a candle would be a great subject!  It was almost a surreal experience taking pictures of the burning candle over the course of the night, watching it change into these abstract forms. I may return to this again someday and explore it further....

Some quotes to ponder:

Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.
Mohammed Naguib
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Break in the Action

This week I'm spending time on several art projects so Pose of the Week will be skipped. In the meantime though, enjoy this inspirational picture I took from my own backyard. (Notice the bird-shaped blur traveling at mach 3? No, it's not a UFO. lol)

 I realize as I grow as an artist, a vital part of any creative endeavor is to stop, take a breather, and look at other sources for continued inspiration. We are human, and not machines, and there's no infinite creative reserve for us to stay constantly plugged into; so we must rest and reconnect with our sources of inspiration. Mine tends to be clouds, actually. But with a great view, who can really wonder?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

And now for something different; action poses!

With the magic of tape and my plastic model, flying is achievable. She's not flying very fast mind you, but you can see she's going fast enough to whip her hair back and keep her feet pointed down. And as a small note, when drawing the limbs spread out from the body, you have to make sure you're keeping them aligned right and in proportion. As you can see from the tons of guidelines, that bottom drawing gave me heck.

Have a good week everyone and thanks for stopping by! I'll see you again next Monday.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tee Hee- Silly Boy

Ah yes, the coy maiden. So full of innocence and bubbly laughter you might think she was from another world- perhaps even an angel...Or at least that what she likes for you to think. Here in this Pose of the Week she's taking on an either genuine shyness or she's cleverly hiding something from you...

"Who me? Never...tee hee."

Monday, August 27, 2012


Ok, so this pose wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Why woud it be difficult, you ask? Well look at those legs! There's a technique called foreshortening and when you have to draw something from a straight on angle or near straight on, it can play tricks with your mind. In reality, what you may be drawing is a few feet long, but your eyes are saying 'NOPE, it's only a couple of inches.' And somewhere during that conflict,  your brain is trying to process it and put it to paper. Typically beginning artists want to draw things longer or flatter than what the object/person really is from a straight on angle.

And again! (For some reason I'm good with reaching hands...lol)

Now I'm just blatantly showing off. Enjoy this random character design! (Ok maybe not so random but a hypothetical deviation of 'IF I WAS A VILLAIN WHAT WOULD I LOOK LIKE?'.) Don't deny it, you've all wondered about it too...Right? lol

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

World's Largest Gathering of Gamers

If you guessed the answer was Gencon, you'd be correct! All week long we printed, cut, laminated,  and signed art for my table. And I have pictures!

And kudos to the cosplayers this year! It really helps when you actually look like the character...

And the weather was GORGEOUS. It made for a downtown stroll quite enjoyable for me and my buddy! One can only hope that next year will be just as beautiful.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Murals, Oh My!

Well I missed uploading Monday's new Pose of the Week! But it's only because my day job wanted me to paint a mural for the break room.  

I would've added more but they were on a really tight budget, and I only had 8 hours to paint a 17 ' x 3 1/2' wall. All things considered, I think it came out pretty decent. lol

And here's our newest pose! Enjoy.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Look at That! Pose of the Week

And we're going strong with our third installation of poses this last week of July!

This was done from a higher point of view, so as to get a better sense of 'awe' of the character as they take in a marvelous/horrific/indescribable sight. Personally my favorite is the smallest one, as it looks upon a giant rendition of itself. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pose of the Week: Surprise!

Le Gasp!!

Yes, this week is the continuation of sitting, and now rising! What could she be looking at? Whatever it is, her reaction is pretty captivated by what she's seen. What do you think? What if she was looking down? How would that change what's going on?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Something New! Pose of the Week

I thought I'd give myself a little challenge and (hopefully) give some insight into poses/anatomy. Now, I'm no professional when it comes to these things- in fact, these are my weaknesses! But I feel that by drawing a new pose every week on here will help me break the flat dimensions I tend to get stuck in and give me regular practice. And who knows, maybe you'll learn something too!

 For this week I wanted to start with a contained pose, but also a little dynamic to keep the eye interested. And because I can't afford a real, breathing model, I used my pose-able mannequin for reference.

Body language is sooo important when you are trying to communicate a feeling or mood. That's why I thought it'd be nice to specify the emotion. Of course, you could say it's a slew of other moods too, and that's alright. You can alter the pose just a fraction and change the 'feeling' into something else completely.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Upload Time

Hello everyone! I am still very much alive and drawing- in fact I uploaded my first time lapse drawing!

Like half of the world population, I'm hooked on Legend of Korra and I cannot wait for the second season! They ended it so cleanly that anything could happen. And as usual, I'm blown away by their mad story skills.

Besides the contracted commission work I'm getting myself in gear for Gencon again (whoot!) and thinking up new artistic marvels to wow the crowd (or at least try to). Last year's Zodiac badges sold really well, so I plan on continuing that trend this year! Leos must really like me, because they all sold out. lol

And here is my first logo! This was used for a Midwest Writing Center Convention that was hosted at my campus.Thanks to my best friend who works in the IUPUI Writing Center for promoting me for this wonderful opportunity!