Goddess of Wings

Goddess of Wings

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Anatomy of a Smile

In our Anatomy class we paired up and drew portraits of our partner smiling (through ten minute turns) and while it was hard to do for ten minutes straight, I can share with you what we learned!

Here is an overlapped diagram of my partner's facial features as she's smiling. Notice how the cheeks push upward and make her lower eyelid rise. Believe it or not the upper lip does not go up much during a smile. Most of the features are moved out and up. 

And here is a diagram we drew of the facial muscles. Doesn't he look a little sad?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

And Back to Art School

I'm still alive and well! Only my art homework has stolen my time (and a portion of my soul) so I'll have to shift my focus to getting the projects done. So the bad news is Pose of the Week will be have to be postponed, but the good news is I'm taking a fine art anatomy class!

I'll post my assignments here so you too can learn. :)

Here is a work in progress for my Drawing class, the theme is 'things in shadow'. It's only a sixth of the actual piece... Enjoy!