Goddess of Wings

Goddess of Wings

Monday, September 24, 2012

Burning in the Dark

When was the last time you lit a candle and enjoyed it's warm company during the dark hours of the night? Probably not very often, if you're like me. In my art class we had to narrate an event or idea over the course of so many panels and I thought the burning of a candle would be a great subject!  It was almost a surreal experience taking pictures of the burning candle over the course of the night, watching it change into these abstract forms. I may return to this again someday and explore it further....

Some quotes to ponder:

Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.
Mohammed Naguib
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Break in the Action

This week I'm spending time on several art projects so Pose of the Week will be skipped. In the meantime though, enjoy this inspirational picture I took from my own backyard. (Notice the bird-shaped blur traveling at mach 3? No, it's not a UFO. lol)

 I realize as I grow as an artist, a vital part of any creative endeavor is to stop, take a breather, and look at other sources for continued inspiration. We are human, and not machines, and there's no infinite creative reserve for us to stay constantly plugged into; so we must rest and reconnect with our sources of inspiration. Mine tends to be clouds, actually. But with a great view, who can really wonder?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

And now for something different; action poses!

With the magic of tape and my plastic model, flying is achievable. She's not flying very fast mind you, but you can see she's going fast enough to whip her hair back and keep her feet pointed down. And as a small note, when drawing the limbs spread out from the body, you have to make sure you're keeping them aligned right and in proportion. As you can see from the tons of guidelines, that bottom drawing gave me heck.

Have a good week everyone and thanks for stopping by! I'll see you again next Monday.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tee Hee- Silly Boy

Ah yes, the coy maiden. So full of innocence and bubbly laughter you might think she was from another world- perhaps even an angel...Or at least that what she likes for you to think. Here in this Pose of the Week she's taking on an either genuine shyness or she's cleverly hiding something from you...

"Who me? Never...tee hee."