Goddess of Wings

Goddess of Wings

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Omg! It's a Zoo Out There

To start things I'm going to share a self portrait drawn with the focus of the expression 'surprise'! We studied the muscles responsible for the expressions we chose and explained which muscles were responsible.

During the last day of spring break I managed a trip to the zoo and I have pictures! (I am not afraid to admit I am still a seven year old on the inside) 

You may have the same expression as I did. This is possibly the creepiest picture I've ever taken. But don't hate the rays, they were really cool and swam up to the glass to check everyone out. See the tiny one on top? He's the baby, the first one to be born at our zoo!


Red pandas. So cute!

It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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